Message to Australia
Message to Australia
‘Message to Australia’ gave those who bravely told their story to the Royal Commission an opportunity to share a message with the Australian community about their experience and hopes for creating a safer future for children. These messages were published in a commemorative book that was handed over to the National Library of Australia during the final sitting of the Royal Commission on 14 December 2017.
More than 1,000 contributions were received and will remain as a tribute to survivors’ courage in coming forward to tell their stories and provide a public record of their experience. Messages are available to be viewed below and the book is on display at the National Library of Australia and in all state and territory libraries.
Content warning: material may be confronting and disturbing. If you need help visit support services.
Contributors were given editorial guidelines to help them prepare their message. These guidelines advised that messages containing identifying information or offensive language would be redacted or not published.