Royal Commission to visit Rockhampton and Woorabinda
Royal Commission to visit Rockhampton and Woorabinda
Residents of Rockhampton and Woorabinda can learn first-hand about the work of the Royal Commission at two community information forums on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 January.
Royal Commissioner Bob Atkinson will visit both communities, where he will provide an overview of the work of the Royal Commission and answer questions.
Royal Commission CEO Philip Reed said the community forums were open to anyone with an interest in the Royal Commission.
“We particularly encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have been affected by child sexual abuse in institutions to attend,” he said.
“You won’t need to retell your personal story at the forums, but you can find out more about why the Commission was established, how it works, and some of the positive changes that have occurred as a result of its work.”
The Royal Commission has conducted eight regional public forums since it began in 2013.
In addition to the community forums, private sessions will also be held in the region.
“Private sessions are an opportunity for people who have experienced child sexual abuse while in the care of an institution to share their story with a Commissioner in a safe, supported and confidential environment,” Mr Reed said.
“We are sensitive to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and have specially trained counsellors on board. We can also provide interpreters and other communication assistance if required.
“People’s stories help inform our final recommendations on how to prevent sexual abuse in institutions and create a safer future for our children,” Mr Reed said.
Due to demand, private sessions in Rockhampton have been fully allocated, but it is anticipated that further private sessions will be held in the region in the future.
“We hope that as a result of these community forums, people feel well informed, and consider getting involved in the really important work of the Royal Commission.”
Please note that the forums are closed to the media.
Event details
Woorabinda Community Forum
Date: Tuesday 27 January
Time: 11am – 1pm
Venue: Woorabinda Council Chambers, 112 Munns Drive, Woorabinda
Rockhampton Community Forum
Date: Wednesday 28 January
Time: 5pm – 7pm
Venue: Dreamtime Cultural Centre, Bruce Highway, Rockhampton
Please note: For privacy reasons, the community forums are closed to media. Children under the age of 16 who would like to attend the community forums should be accompanied by an adult. If you wish to attend the community forums, please contact contact@childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au