Public submissions on Working With Children Checks
Public submissions on Working With Children Checks
The Royal Commission’s first issues paper on Working With Children Checks has attracted *55 submissions from around Australia to date.
A Working With Children Check is a pre-employment screening process to determine a person’s suitability to work with children.
Chief Executive Officer, Janette Dines, said the Royal Commission was pleased with the response.
“Some common views were expressed,” said Ms Dines. They include:
the need for national consistency in the operation of the Working With Children Check
the need for more research to determine what elements of existing schemes are most effective; and
the need to consider the Working With Children Check as only one element in a broader framework for protecting children.
The Royal Commission is still seeking submissions on its third issues paper dealing with the creation of child-safe institutions. A fourth issues paper on preventing the sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care will be released next week.
Read all issues papers.
Media enquiries: (02) 8282 3966 or media@childabuseroyalcommision.gov.au.
*55 submissions as at 5 September 2013
*76 submissions as at 12 September 2013