Listen and give us a say, children speak about their safety
Listen and give us a say, children speak about their safety
Researchers from Australian Catholic University (ACU) and Southern Cross University (SCU) will present findings from three research projects, commissioned by the Royal Commission, involving 1,400 children and young people, including those with a disability.
“The Royal Commission has commissioned a series of research projects into children’s views of safety,” Royal Commission CEO Philip Reed said.
“Through this research we have heard directly from children and young people about how they perceive safety, the safety issues they confront in institutional contexts, and how these could be best addressed,” Mr Reed said.
Friday’s symposium – Listen and give us a say: children and young people’s views about safety in institutions – is part of a broader program of research undertaken on behalf of the Royal Commission.
“This forum is an opportunity to hear directly from the researchers commissioned by the Royal Commission about their research reports and they will be joined by a panel of young people from their reference group,” Mr Reed said.
Professor Morag McArthur and Dr Tim Moore, Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University
Dr Sally Robinson, Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University
Panel of children and young people that were part of the researcher’s reference group.
Event details
Friday 28 October 2016, 9am-12.30pm
University Hall, University of Technology Sydney
15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007
Presenters are available for interview. Please contact media@childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au
Read more information about the research.